Holly Rohrer’s Success Story

Holly Rohrer

Behavior Intervention Specialist, Rudyard Area School District

Holly Rohrer, a Behavior Intervention Specialist at Rudyard Elementary School, has found great value in the WhyTry Program and has been using it for over nine years.


At first, Holly used the program on an individual basis, but she soon realized that she wanted to reach even further. She decided to push into classrooms, despite the challenge of asking teachers to spare 45 minutes each week. 

Fortunately, her dedication was met with enthusiasm by the teachers, who recognized the program’s potential in addressing the needs of today’s youth.

“I use it primarily in fifth grade, which is a time of big change for students. They tend to have a lot of pressure put on them by peers, and they just don’t have any clue on how to deal with it. The WhyTry lessons let me discover how they’re feeling about it, and help them see what they can do about it.”

Rudyard Area and PBIS

Rudyard Area School District is a strong advocate of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), and the WhyTry Program aligns with their PBIS goals. By using WhyTry, they can cultivate the positive mindset necessary for promoting better behavior, leading to positive rewards in return. This approach reinforces the idea that decisions come with consequences, both good and bad, a crucial life lesson.

“We’re a big promoter of PBIS. And because the WhyTry Program has strategies and interventions that align with our goals, we can use it to develop that positive mindset in our students. I feel like they really do combine well together.”

Holly’s Use of WhyTry

In Holly’s mentoring role on the playground, she often encourages students to reflect on their experiences. When conflicts arise, she prompts them to consider their feelings, potential solutions, and the lessons they’ve learned from the program. This encourages self-awareness, personal growth, and problem solving.

“I think every PBIS school should have some kind of program like this.”

Get Started Today

Through Holly’s use of the WhyTry program, she was able to see tangible results with her students. What could WhyTry do for your students?

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