Strategies to Motivate Students and Foster Resilience
Strategies to Motivate Students and Foster Resilience
Friday November 12th
1:00 PM Central Time
Social Emotional Learning Supports for Educators and Students
The challenges of this pandemic and the trauma we have all experienced, has had a huge impact on students and teachers and will likely cause a ripple effect of academic deficiencies that will stretch into the coming years. As we begin this new school year, school districts and administrators are focusing on what we must do to address the trauma and meet the social emotional needs of students. There has never been a greater need for trauma informed practices and a focus on fostering resilience in our students and staff than we are seeing right now!
Join Us!
Bruce Bushnell, our National Trainer, will demonstrate tools, share insights and discuss strategies from our SEL programs, The WhyTry Program and Resilience For Youth that are currently being used to address SEL needs in thousands of schools across the US and internationally.

Bruce Bushnell Bruce Bushnell has centered his career around promoting youth success. He is an award winning school counselor. Bruce was named the counselor of the year for the state of Utah and was also honored at the White House, receiving national recognition for his counseling interventions. Bruce has been a member of the Executive High School Relations Board, senior vice president of the Alpine Counseling Association, and vice president of the Utah Counselor Association. Bruce now helps youth succeed by presenting passionate WhyTry keynotes and trainings across the country. As an advocate of the program from its earliest days, Bruce has also been a key contributor in developing many of the WhyTry learning activities, which are proven to help youth develop the social and emotional skills necessary to reach their goals. |
Want to Learn More?
Our online social and emotional learning curriculum can be taught in virtual classrooms. Help your students develop resilience in this time of crisis and isolation.