Driving MTSS Success with WhyTry by Focusing on Student Motivation and Resilience

Practical Tools for Student Engagement
WhyTry equips educators with multimedia toolkits featuring:
- Attention-getters, stories, and video media
- Engaging visual analogies
- Object lessons, group, and group movement activities
- Music resources to help in the classroom
These resources boost student engagement and help them to see the relevance of putting effort into their school work. WhyTry also helps to establish positive behaviors and support your MTSS framework.

Pamela Duncan
“WhyTry gives them the vocabulary that my class last year lacked because the program is so strong with giving them the tools and the words to describe how they’re feeling.”
Katelynn Flynn
“I have to say, the hands-on activities were perfect in portraying the message, and we had so many great discussions as a result. In fact, we saw a measurable change with our group. Our students made much better decisions going forward.”
Steve Tailor
“Very, very well done and organized, this program is incredibly complete and well thought out, masterfully scope and sequenced, it’s all here, totally visual and participatory.”

The WhyTry curriculum uses visual metaphors to teach important life skills, like:
We empower students to overcome challenges and help them to see the relevance of school work.
Why Choose The WhyTry Program?
Proven Experience
With over 20 years of success, we understand the challenges teachers and counselors face. We have practical interventions and strategies that work.
Engaging Interventions
Our toolkit gets students excited about learning and improves behavior. Teachers and counselors who use WhyTry often say they rediscover the joy of education!
Enhanced Teamwork
Our approach provides a common language and framework for staff and administrators, enabling your entire team to collaborate and communicate better.