Upcoming Webinars

Strategies for Enhancing Emotional Regulation in the Classroom

Have you heard about the WhyTry Program and its success in engaging and motivating those difficult-to-reach students and teaching them the skills of resilience? We are excited to introduce our latest program addition: The WhyTry Elementary Approach! This new set of tools and resources is specifically designed to address the unique emotional needs of elementary students, helping teachers like you engage and motivate young learners who have fallen behind in the aftermath of Covid.

Strategies for Enhancing Emotional Regulation in the Classroom Read More »

Tips for Starting the School Year with Energy and Resilience

Tips for Starting the School Year with Energy and Resilience Hello Fabulous Educators! As the new school year beckons, we know you’re gearing up to make it the best one yet. Why not kick-start this journey with some fresh insights, inspiring stories, and actionable tips to fuel your passion and resilience? Join us for an

Tips for Starting the School Year with Energy and Resilience Read More »

An Elementary Approach To Build Resilience In Every Student

Have you heard about the WhyTry Program and its success in engaging and motivating those difficult-to-reach students and teaching them the skills of resilience? We are excited to introduce our latest program addition: The WhyTry Elementary Approach! This new set of tools and resources is specifically designed to address the unique emotional needs of elementary students, helping teachers like you engage and motivate young learners who have fallen behind in the aftermath of Covid.

An Elementary Approach To Build Resilience In Every Student Read More »

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