Boosting Student Engagement and Motivation with WhyTry

WhyTry: a cornerstone of student engagement and motivation

Deep student engagement is key in education. WhyTry is here to help you teach essential resilience skills that students need for success in school and life.

Lessons That Connect

WhyTry transcends the conventional educational toolkit with lively, diversified lessons that speak to the myriad of personalities and learning styles within a classroom. Each component is designed with the goal of kindling intrinsic motivation and inviting students to be active contributors to their educational path.

We recognize that each educational environment is distinctive and filled with its own set of challenges and opportunities. Our adaptable and flexible program ensures it can be effectively integrated into various educational contexts, providing relevant and impactful lessons.

Building Resilience: The WhyTry Approach

WhyTry is about making resilience skills easy to understand and remember for students through fun activities, relatable stories, and engaging multimedia resources.

Visual metaphors in our program help explain big ideas in simple ways. Stories connect with students, showing real-life situations they can relate to. Music and videos in our lessons make learning enjoyable and memorable.

“When you can see the purpose of each WhyTry lesson and use the attention grabbers, music, and metaphors to reach the kids with targeted interventions, WhyTry can help you achieve your goals. We saw a significant decrease in the number of referrals.”

“I have to say, the hands-on activities were perfect in portraying the message, and we had so many great discussions as a result. In fact, we saw a measurable change with our group. Our students made much better decisions going forward.”

I’m a teacher at heart, and having WhyTry in my toolkit gives me the flexibility to introduce main parts of the program in my guidance classes, and then I can pull in more content as the kids progress through different grades. It works seamlessly for me.”

Professional Development: The WhyTry Training Edge

Recognizing educators as the driving force behind effective learning, WhyTry offers comprehensive training in the WhyTry Approach. We give you the tools to teach resilience skills in a way that sticks. This isn’t just a one-time thing; we support teachers as they grow and learn to use our methods effectively.

The journey with WhyTry is one of ongoing professional growth. We enable educators to become architects of transformation, equipping them to deliver the WhyTry curriculum with skill and the ability to connect with their students.

Why Choose The WhyTry Program?

Proven Experience

With over 20 years of success, we understand the challenges teachers and counselors face. We have practical interventions and strategies that work.

Engaging Interventions

Our toolkit gets students excited about learning and improves behavior. Teachers and counselors who use WhyTry often say they rediscover the joy of education!

Enhanced Teamwork

Our approach provides a common language and framework for staff and administrators, enabling your entire team to collaborate and communicate better.

The WhyTry Promise: Transformative Educational Experiences

We go beyond just offering resources. We aim to make learning exciting, where students want to participate. With WhyTry, you will see students start to believe in themselves and their futures. Our commitment extends beyond simply offering resources; we strive to create a learning environment where motivation and engagement are expected.

Want to improve how students get involved, help them want to learn, and teach them to be resilient? If you’re ready to see a change in your classroom, schedule a free demo of WhyTry, and we will show you how this can work for you!

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